MVICW Fellowships
MVICW is committed to providing financial support to writers through our fellowship program. Through generous donations, we are able to offer parent-writers, writers of color, educators, queer-writers, and Vineyard writers the opportunity to attend programs held by the Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing every year.

MVICW Poet & Author Fellowships
Deadline: May 1, 2025
The Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing is able to provide a number of need and merit-based fellowships (25-40% of registration) to attend our Summer Writers' Conference. Special consideration is given to applicants demonstrating economic need.
The submission fee to apply is $10.
Prose & Poetry

Vineyard Writer Fellowships
Deadline: May 1, 2025
The Martha's Vineyard Institute of Creative Writing is proud to offer fellowships to Martha's Vineyard island writers. These fellowships were designed to give time and financial support to Vineyard writers to devote a week to their craft at MVICW. The fellowships are open to full-time and part-time Vineyard Residents age 16 and older.
The submission fee to apply is $20.
Prose & Poetry

Voices of Color Fellowships
Submissions are closed at this time
We are proud to announce the Leonard A. Slade, Jr. Poetry Fellowships for Poets of Color (est. 2018) and The Voices of Color Prose Fellowships (est. 2017). These fellowships provide support for writers of color. These fellowships are open to all writers of color, ages 18 and older.
The submission fee to apply is $20.

Parent-Writer Fellowships
Submissions are closed at this time
We are proud to announce the MVICW Parent-Writer Fellowships (est. in 2016 by generous support from The Sustainable Arts Foundation). These fellowships are intended to give parents the time and financial support to devote a week to themselves and their writing at MVICW. They are open to anyone who has a child age 16 or younger living with them.
The submission fee to apply is $20.

Queer-Writer Fellowships
Submissions are closed at this time
Established in 2019, these fellowships assist with our commitment to increasing philanthropic support for LGBTQIA+ writers and expanding the American literary canon. Application for these fellowships is open to all queer-identified writers, ages 18 and older.
The submission fee to apply is $20.



Teach! Write! Play! Fellowships
Submissions are closed at this time
We are proud to announce The Carol Brown Goldberg and Henry Goldberg Teach! Write! Play! Fellowships, to support educators and writers who work with young people across the globe. These fellowships are open to anyone who works with youth, age 21 or younger, including university professors & adjuncts; public, private, and after-school teachers; social workers; and community organizers.
The submission fee to apply is $20.